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DISCLAIMER: George Lucas owns Star Wars. Which is good. *smirk*

My Father, I Love You---chapter 4
By: Sarah

"Why?" It took all of Vader's self-control to keep from destroying something out of frustration.

"Because," and Luke could have sworn his father's voice sounded strained, "we are superior to those without Force abilities."

"Why?" The twitch in the helmeted one's left eye went unseen by his son.

"Because," and this time the strain was definitely there, "we are able to do and feel things they cannot."


"BECAUSE WE JUST ARE!" Luke promptly shut up after that. But he still didn't understand why he would have to use a red lightsaber and not an orange one! Orange was a perfectly good color!

'Orange, yellow, purple, green, blue, brown, white, black, pi--what am I THINKING?!, and grey are all just as good as red!' the boy thought to himself. or, at least, he thought he had...

Vader groaned mentally as his son's thoughts bombarded his mind. He then decided that their first lesson would be setting up mental barriers and shielding thoughts from others instead of sending. Honestly! He was beginning to get a headache from his son's mental ramblings! The sooner Luke learned, the better.

Five hours later finally had Luke putting up proper mental shields. Five hours...Two of which were spent getting the ten year-old to sit still and one of which was spent explaining seeing as how Luke kept interrupting with questions so often Vader finally "forced" the boy's mouth shut. Which, of course, then resulted in surprised and angry mumbles.

And Luke still didn't understand why his lightsaber would have to be red.

A week of training had passed and Luke finally decided he could live with a red lightsaber. However, now he wanted to know why he had to wear black. After all, red, yellow, brown, orange, green, grey, white, purple, and blue were all just as good as black.

Lord Vader was glad his son no longer broadcasted his thoughts. In fact, he was so pleased that he deemed it time to start Luke's lightsaber training. And (hopefully) after a week of that, they would be able to add in other mental and physical aspects such as levitation, healing one's self, choking (which was very important in Vader's opinion), and other wonderful things.

"I know a royal old goat; he sits and sits as he mopes. He never does anything himself--has people fight his dirty battles! I know a royal old goat!" sang the young Sith-in-training. His father suddenly had the strangest and strongest urge to bang his head repeatedly against a very hard surface...with his helmet OFF.


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Eh, sorry this chapter's so short. I've been fighting off writer's block. Plus, how inspired do you honestly think I can get during midterms???

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