Luke awoke the next morning feeling refreshed and ready for anything. And then he saw 'him'; his father, just the way he'd seen him the night before. And now Luke remembered why he'd fallen back asleep. He'd been hoping that sleep might just make the craziness go away.'Well, that plan sure backfired,' the young Jedi thought to himself. Luke's father, noticing his son was awake, smiled and walked over to him.
"Ah! So, you're finally awake!" Luke moaned and pulled his comforter over his head.
"Go away. You're dead," came the muffled reply.
"Yes, I've been wondering at that myself," said Anakin. "However, if it gives me time to be with you, then so be it." Luke's eyes began to water and he grabbed his father close to him in a tight embrace.
"DADDY!" he sobbed. [author: *falls out of chair laughing*]
"Yes, I've been wondering at that myself," said Anakin. "However, if it gives me time to be with you, then so be it." Luke's eyes began to water and he grabbed his father close to him in a tight embrace.
"B-but you're...dead..." he sobbed. Anakin noticed his shirt was quickly becoming quite soaked with his son's tears.
'Great...I hope this shirt dries fast...' The older Skywalker brought a hand up and began rubbing Luke's back in a soothing manner.
"Shhh...Luke, shhhh..."
Leia and Mon Mothma were discussing their non-alchoholic toga party plans [author: Forgive me. I'm a student of massage. *LoL*] when they heard sobbing coming from Luke's room. The two Rebellion ladies exchanged a worried look before rushing over and attempting to open the young jedi's door. However, their attempts were futile since the door was locked very securely."Luke! Luke, it's me, Leia! Open the door!" Her beloved brother ignored her. He knew that if Leia saw Anakin, she would totally and completely freak out. No, only one thing could make him open that door and that was if it were his father on the other side. But no. Anakin was right there, holding onto his son as if he would never let go. Leia grew more and more worried. Mon Mothma, however, was getting ticked. The older woman marched right on up to the door and banged on it.
"Skywalker, you open this door RIGHT THIS MINUTE! DO YOU HEAR ME?!" she hollered. Luke heard her. He just really couldn't care less about what she or the others wanted anymore. Soon, others began appearing at Luke's door--all wondering what the commotion was about.
*looks at chapter* Oh MAN but that's SHORT! *SIGH* Stupid writer's block. Listen, I know this is short. In fact, it's WAY shorter than what I wanted! But...I figured I should at least post SOMETHING. Anyway, I don't know when chapter 3 (which would have been the rest of chapter 2) will be out. College started, I've been super tired lately, and Writer's Block has seeked me out yet again. ;_; I'LL TRY MY HARDEST TO GET MORE WRITTEN SOON!