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The Bunny Plot Timeline

Bunny: Belongs to: Status: Sex:
Precious Palpatine Leader M
Leia (she's pink!!) Leia (my, she's vain) Leader's fiance F
Fluffilicious Mon Mothma General M
Sunstarbeam Admiral Piett Admiral M
Dandylionish Jabba the Hutt Messenger F

Note: Prepare to be spoiled as far as the bunnies go. At lease until chapter 9. LoL Thank you.

[500 bunnies total]

ch. 5: Introductory...1st meeting.
ch. 6: 2nd meeting, discussion of new prob. concerning monkeys.
ch. 7: 3rd meeting; discussing how war w/ monkeys is going. [400 bunnies total]
ch. 8: 4th meeting; discussing victory over monkeys. [300 bunnies total]
ch. 9: 5th meeting; discussion as to how to go about enslaving humans, wookies, & other species.
ch. 10: